Express your deepest feelings of love by sending this exotic bouquet prepared using 2 to 3 dozen fresh red roses and wrapped in a black sheet
A stunning bouquet of 50 stems of fresh red roses with baby's breath wrapped beautifully
A box arrangement that is a visual treat prepared with fresh flowers including chrysanthemums roses & baby's breathBox dimensions 4 inches x 4 inches approximately
A delightful bouquet of 2 dozen tuberoses packed in a contemporary way
A stunning bouquet of premium quality chrysanthemums, sunflowers and baby's breath
An arrangement prepared in a marble finished box with fresh chrysanthemums, roses, baby’s breath & assorted chocolates including a dairy milk bar, snickers, mars, twix, bounty, kitkat and a small teddy bear
A classic arrangement of fresh red roses with baby’s breath arranged beautifully in a basket
An elegant bouquet of 5 gladiolus, half a dozen tuberoses & premium quality chrysanthemums
A box arrangement that is a visual treat prepared using fresh roses, chrysanthemums, baby's breath and other seasonal flowersBox dimensions 7 inches x 7 inches approximately
An elegant bouquet of gladiolus, long stem imported roses hand tied with pink & white premium quality chrysanthemums
An elegant bouquet of a two dozen fresh red roses and 8 pieces of Italian Ferrero Rochers wrapped in black paper
Includes 8 assorted chocolate bars including Twix, Mars, Snickers, Bountry, Kitkat & Dairy Milk
A lovely hand tied bouquet prepared by an expert florist with fresh gladiolus, chrysanthemums, tuberoses, baby's breath and other seasonal flowers
A great value combination of half a dozen fresh red roses and a 1 pound fresh cream black forest cake
Fragrant and fresh tuberoses arranged in a heart shaped box with 16 pieces of Ferry Rose chocolates